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When Operation section is necessary?

Caecar surgery is one alternative that requires the surgical delivery. About the caesarean section itself is generally done because the condition of experiencing pregnancy complications or circumstances that endanger the mother or baby if the birth normally. Several conditions can lead to pregnancy following the birth process requires surgery.

Mother's hip size is too small.
There are some women who have pelvic anatomy is small, so the baby can not pass through this section in the process of spontaneous labor. If forced to be born spontaneously at risk of this condition on infant safety, then a caesarean is the safest alternative for this pregnancy condition.

Macrosomia or large-sized baby.
There has been some cases of birth weight baby is not normal, that exceed the baby's weight in general. This can happen due to several factors such as maternal obesity or diabetes mellitus. Baby's weight is said abnormal if it exceeds 4.2 kg shortly after birth, even in Russia there are babies born weighing 7.7 kg. In conditions like pregnancy is the process of spontaneous labor is almost always impossible to do, so as to remove the baby needs to be taken caesarean section.

Placenta previa.
This means the condition of pregnancy the placenta is in an abnormal position that is at the bottom of the uterus so that closing the birth canal, resulting in a baby can not enter into the pelvis.

The position of breech babies.
Under conditions of entering the age of 40 weeks of pregnancy is usually the baby's head has been at the bottom or towards the birth canal. But 3-4% of infants are sometimes not in the right position when entering the labor, such as the buttocks, shoulders, back or legs below. So the baby is difficult to pass through the birth canal. If during the process of normal persalian baby can not be removed then a caesarean will be performed.

Baby's umbilical cord wrapped.
With such a condition of pregnancy, your baby will have a greater risk of choking if born by spontaneous processes. Usually a gynecologist will look through ultrasound is it still possible to go into labor spontaneously. If there are conditions that threaten the baby then a caesarean section should be done immediately.

Mother experienced health problems.
The process of delivery by cesarean section performed because the mother can not or are not allowed to push during labor. It occurs in women who suffer from heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. About a third caesarean section in patients with this disease have a greater risk of complications. In addition there are several other pregnancy conditions that require action that is infant hydrocephalus caesarean section, twins, maternal malnutrition, and the baby's heartbeat is weak.