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Caring for Foot Swelling During Pregnancy

Here are some ways to treat leg swelling during pregnancy:

1. If you sit all day, make sure you rest regularly with a walk and stretch your legs, to give a boost to your blood circulation. Every few moments, and Flex stretch toes by rotating your ankles, to keep blood and fluids in the body to keep moving.

2. Swollen foot care can be done by massage. Massage your feet with the use of essential oils or other massage oils, to relieve your swelling. Massage is also beneficial to help relieve pain and fatigue, while making you more relaxed.

3. During the final stages of pregnancy, pregnant women are advised to sleep with a sideways position to the left or right. This is because when lying on your back, you will provide additional pressure on the veins. By lying to the side of your bloodstream can run smoothly and freely return to the heart, thus preventing pooling or clotting and and liquids that can cause swelling. In addition, you can also lie down with feet elevated with pillows or dialas, so that excess fluid can flow in the legs.

4. Caring for swollen legs can be done with regular exercise, be it jogging, swimming, or sports that are recommended for other pregnant women. Exercise will help to improve your blood circulation, as well as discontinue or clumping excess fluid in the lower body.

5. The pregnant women can also treat leg swelling by drinking a herbal concoction. The trick, add two tablespoons of coriander in two cups of water. Boil this mixture down to half, roughly to one glass. Then, drink this decoction three times a day. To add flavor, you can mix them with a little sugar and milk.

6. Foot care that can be done by other pregnant mothers is to compress or soaking the feet are swollen with cold water that has been mixed with salt or lime juice for 10 to 15 minutes. This foot care, not only can be done to reduce the swelling, but also useful for reducing pain and fatigue in your legs.