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Premature babies

Premature birth is a state where the baby is born before even 9 months 2 weeks, usually at the age of 37-41 weeks. Premature babies do not mean a miscarriage because the baby is still alive.

Usually babies born prematurely due to an error of hormones in the mother's body due to mental stress, chronic disease, infection, rupture of the amniotic sac (amniotic fluid) or it could be due to weak cervix, smoking and alcohol consumption, but can also occur because the mother's wishes.

Risk of premature infants is increasing the number of possible medical problems experienced by the baby, especially respiratory, cardiovascular, central nervous system and immunity. Infants born preterm birth risk is less than perfect organ development, anemia, respiratory infections, heart problems and can not drink properly due to lack of drinking from the baby's reflexes.

Premature infants are usually treated in an incubator and watched closely by a physician, but babies who weigh over 2 kg can be taken home by his parents. How to care for premature babies is quite difficult, where the baby should be fed in small amounts but often. When the baby already has a good reflex to drink, the baby can suckle directly directly in the mother.

If not, can use a spoon. Always keep the baby's condition in order to keep warm and keep it away from damp areas. Always use sterile equipment and wash hands before handling / feeding the baby because the baby's immunity is still very vulnerable.

Water birth

Water birth is a new breakthrough in the birth process in the medical world today. A labor action performed on the patient's obstetrician to give birth using water media adapted to measure body temperature is around 30 ยบ C.

The benefits of giving birth in water than normal birth process is the media lies in the ability of water to reduce the pain on the mother when the birth took place. Some patients who have tried this method of water birth to feel comfortable enough, the body undergoes relaxation, and not feel too sick.

In addition to comfort the mother felt, a sense of comfort is also felt the branches of a baby. Babies born via water birth process is not too surprised with the environmental changes that happened, reducing the risk of infant head injury, and the baby's amniotic fluid is not easily poisoned.

However, for deliveries to the method of water birth, you must provide a big enough budget. In addition, labor is only valid for a normal delivery, delivery for pregnancies that have a particular problem fixed using the method or way of caesarean section.

fetal calcium deficiency

At the moment we are pregnant it is advisable to do a pregnancy to an obstetrician / midwife at least once a month. At the time may obstetricians say that there is a shortage of calcium for the fetus and we are asked to increase calcium intake by pregnant women to drink milk to 3 cups a day, fix it from the medical side?

Actually, until now there is no special examination to determine the level of calcium in the fetus. For the diagnosis of fetal calcium deficiency that should not be removed by a gynecologist.

Most likely, the information given by obstetricians is lack of calcium can affect the health condition of mother and fetus. Actually, pregnant milk consumption to 3 cups a day is more than enough food since we also contain calcium.

Calcium absorption can be increased by intake of vitamin D are consumed together with food sources of calcium. Calcium absorption is also less than optimal when the intake of excess calcium in the diet because blood is unable to absorb calcium.

Consumption of calcium in the portion being in short intervals of up to 4-6 hours is more effective than calcium consumption in large quantities at once. Pregnant milk consumption in the morning and evening more than the recommended two cups at once at a time.

Choosing Baby Gender

Currently you can choose the sex of a baby with accuracy levels reaching more than 85%.

History proves that people really need the ability to choose the sex of the baby. Some of the reasons put forward in the history states that inheritance is one thing why I choose the sex of the baby needed. Today parents are no longer questioned / choose the sex of a baby anymore, but we certainly want to have the opportunity to have a baby boy and baby girl.

Before we discuss more about how to choose the sex of the baby, it helps us to say in advance about the theory of chromosomes that determine sex of the baby. A man / men have two types of chromosomes in sperm cells of the X chromosome and a Y chromosome (hereafter known as the XY chromosomes), whereas a woman has XX chromosomes (two X chromosomes).

X chromosome has the following characteristics:
- The form larger
- Movement is slower
- Having a life of more than 72 hours (3 days)
- More resistant to the atmosphere of the vagina with a pH of acidic

Y chromosome has the following characteristics:
- Smaller form
- Movement is faster
- Having a maximum age of 48 hours (2 days)
- More resistant to the atmosphere of the vagina with an alkaline pH

Baby's sex is determined by the chromosomes that build it. Babies will receive one chromosome from the father and one chromosome from his mother again. When babies get a Y chromosome from the father it will form the XY chromosome that determines the sex of the baby laki-laki/pria. When he gets an X chromosome from the father it will form XX chromosomes that determine sex of a baby girl / woman. More detail can be seen in the illustration as follows:

Chromosomes in Wife / Female / Female (X1X2)
Chromosomes in the Husband / Male / Male (X3Y4)

The set of possible pairs that arises is
- X1X3 (maternal chromosomes and chromosome X1 X3 father): Infant Male / Female
- X1Y4 (maternal chromosomes and chromosome X1 Y4 father): Baby Boy
- X1X2 (maternal chromosome X2 and X3 father chromosome): Infant Male / Female
- X1Y2 (maternal chromosomes and chromosome X2 Y4 father): Baby Boy

Thus the possibility to get the baby boy is 50% and likely to get a baby girl / woman is also 50%

By knowing the characteristics of the X chromosome and Y chromosome characteristics, then we can enhance choose the sex of a baby in a way heightens the possibility of the birth of a baby boy (if you want a baby boy) or increases the likelihood that the birth of a baby girl (baby girl if desired).

There are many theories that teach how to choose the sex of the baby, but on this occasion we will explain the most simple way by exploiting the characteristics of the X chromosome sperm cells and sperm cells with Y chromosomes

How To Choose Baby Gender Male / Male (XY chromosomes)

To get / choose the sex of a baby boy, you must consume a lot of menus of fish and avoid the meat in everyday food. Medically fish will produce a substance that causes the vaginal pH is more alkaline so the durability of the Y chromosome in the vagina longer.

Regarding fasting sex / sexual relations, mentioned that the husband should be fasting to have sex for at least 5 days before the fertile woman / wife. This is so that no more sperm with X chromosomes that survive in the vagina / uterus wife. Fasting is also intended to enhance male fertility (sperm quality)

Sexual relations / intercourse should be done during the fertile period (12 hours before ovulation occurs or 12 hours after ovulation). This is so that sperm cells with Y chromosomes that are smaller and faster movements can be an egg before the sperm cell with the X chromosome that looks larger and slower movements can reach the womb and are equally likely to fertilize an egg.

Where possible, the wife should have an orgasm before ejaculation husband. This is based on the absence of studies that at the moment of orgasm wife will discharge the alkaline / alkaline so it will reduce the pH level and the vagina becomes more alkaline (alkaline conditions preferred by the sperm cells with Y chromosomes)

How To Choose Baby Gender Male / Female (Chromosome XX)

Contrary to the above methods we can now know how to choose the sex of a baby girl by consuming lots of meat than fish to bring up the atmosphere of a more acidic pH in the vagina so that sperm cells with Y chromosomes will die because they do not stand the atmosphere of pH.

Because sperm cells with Y chromosomes have a shorter lifespan than the X chromosome, the sex / intercourse regularly actually have increased the possibility of the birth of a baby girl / woman. But for the more certainly you can choose the sex of a baby girl by way to fast sex / intercourse during the fertile period.

Sexual relations / intercourse should be done 2-3 days before the fertile period with a view at an interval of 2-3 days, the cells with Y chromosome sperm will die before ovulation occurs. Thus the sperm cells with an X chromosome that is still contained in the womb have a higher chance to fertilize an egg during ovulation (release of eggs from the ovary) cells with an X chromosome sperm ready to fertilize an egg.

Contrary to how to choose the sex of a baby boy, to get / choose the sex of women, wives do not need to experience vaginal orgasm so that the pH remains in the acid pH (atmosphere favored by sperm cells with the X chromosome)

This theory is very simple and according to the study, its accuracy depends on your ability to read the fertile period when it happened. You can consult with a physician about this ini.Teori is one of the many theories put forward by experts. You can consult with your doctor about how to choose the sex of the baby. We will connect the other theories to choose the sex of the baby on another occasion. Good luck and good luck.