Pregnancy begins with the fusion of sperm cells with egg cells. Melting sperm cells and egg cells occur in the first week of pregnancy. Approximately one hour after fusion, gene exchange will occur in the womb of pregnant women. This gene is an aspect of life support that exists in every chromosome of the sperm nucleus and egg cell.
The egg will meet with sperm in the fallopian tubes. The meeting between the egg and sperm cells occurs after the egg is released by the uterus at the age of 3 weeks of pregnancy. The meeting between the egg and sperm cells is called fertilization.
Fertilization begins with the entry of the head of the sperm cell into an egg cell with the left tail, then there was a fusion nucleus of each cell. After joining the cell nucleus, the cell will undergo a process of division. At first, the cell will split into two and then four and so on, so the whole room filled with the results of the egg cell division.
Egg cell that has undergone merging core and then rolled along the oviduct to the uterus. The egg is then embed themselves in the uterine wall. During the journey toward the inner lining of the uterus wall, the egg gets nutrition from the egg cytoplasm and the corona radiata. Egg cell that has been attached to the uterine wall is very small in size that is 0.15 to 0.30 mm. However, these eggs will continue to grow until eventually form an embryo.
The embryo is then developed in a pregnant woman's uterus. Stage of embryonic development starting from the formation of most organs in the brain and the outside structure of the body. Login thirteenth week, the embryo is called a fetus could be because the organs had been completely formed. The development of the fetus in the womb of a pregnant woman can not be isolated from amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid), the umbilical cord (funikuli) and placenta.
Fetal development is closely connected with the placenta. Because the placenta has a useful role release hormones to maintain pregnancy and fetal development in pregnant woman's uterus. Amniotic fluid also has an important role against the development of the fetus, because the amniotic fluid provides the free movement of the fetus in the womb and protects the fetus from a variety of movements and pressures that endanger the fetus. While the function of umbilical cord flow of nutrients from mother to fetus.
The development of the egg until it develops into a fetus is a wonderful thing. Growth and development of the fetus in utero is influenced by maternal health, fetal health and nutrition from the placenta. Growing fetus in the womb of pregnant women will continue to improve the shape and functions of his organs. Large and fetal weight also will continue to increase seiiring increasing gestational age. The fetus can react to light, touch, and sounds that come from outside.