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fetal calcium deficiency

At the moment we are pregnant it is advisable to do a pregnancy to an obstetrician / midwife at least once a month. At the time may obstetricians say that there is a shortage of calcium for the fetus and we are asked to increase calcium intake by pregnant women to drink milk to 3 cups a day, fix it from the medical side?

Actually, until now there is no special examination to determine the level of calcium in the fetus. For the diagnosis of fetal calcium deficiency that should not be removed by a gynecologist.

Most likely, the information given by obstetricians is lack of calcium can affect the health condition of mother and fetus. Actually, pregnant milk consumption to 3 cups a day is more than enough food since we also contain calcium.

Calcium absorption can be increased by intake of vitamin D are consumed together with food sources of calcium. Calcium absorption is also less than optimal when the intake of excess calcium in the diet because blood is unable to absorb calcium.

Consumption of calcium in the portion being in short intervals of up to 4-6 hours is more effective than calcium consumption in large quantities at once. Pregnant milk consumption in the morning and evening more than the recommended two cups at once at a time.

Choosing Baby Gender

Currently you can choose the sex of a baby with accuracy levels reaching more than 85%.

History proves that people really need the ability to choose the sex of the baby. Some of the reasons put forward in the history states that inheritance is one thing why I choose the sex of the baby needed. Today parents are no longer questioned / choose the sex of a baby anymore, but we certainly want to have the opportunity to have a baby boy and baby girl.

Before we discuss more about how to choose the sex of the baby, it helps us to say in advance about the theory of chromosomes that determine sex of the baby. A man / men have two types of chromosomes in sperm cells of the X chromosome and a Y chromosome (hereafter known as the XY chromosomes), whereas a woman has XX chromosomes (two X chromosomes).

X chromosome has the following characteristics:
- The form larger
- Movement is slower
- Having a life of more than 72 hours (3 days)
- More resistant to the atmosphere of the vagina with a pH of acidic

Y chromosome has the following characteristics:
- Smaller form
- Movement is faster
- Having a maximum age of 48 hours (2 days)
- More resistant to the atmosphere of the vagina with an alkaline pH

Baby's sex is determined by the chromosomes that build it. Babies will receive one chromosome from the father and one chromosome from his mother again. When babies get a Y chromosome from the father it will form the XY chromosome that determines the sex of the baby laki-laki/pria. When he gets an X chromosome from the father it will form XX chromosomes that determine sex of a baby girl / woman. More detail can be seen in the illustration as follows:

Chromosomes in Wife / Female / Female (X1X2)
Chromosomes in the Husband / Male / Male (X3Y4)

The set of possible pairs that arises is
- X1X3 (maternal chromosomes and chromosome X1 X3 father): Infant Male / Female
- X1Y4 (maternal chromosomes and chromosome X1 Y4 father): Baby Boy
- X1X2 (maternal chromosome X2 and X3 father chromosome): Infant Male / Female
- X1Y2 (maternal chromosomes and chromosome X2 Y4 father): Baby Boy

Thus the possibility to get the baby boy is 50% and likely to get a baby girl / woman is also 50%

By knowing the characteristics of the X chromosome and Y chromosome characteristics, then we can enhance choose the sex of a baby in a way heightens the possibility of the birth of a baby boy (if you want a baby boy) or increases the likelihood that the birth of a baby girl (baby girl if desired).

There are many theories that teach how to choose the sex of the baby, but on this occasion we will explain the most simple way by exploiting the characteristics of the X chromosome sperm cells and sperm cells with Y chromosomes

How To Choose Baby Gender Male / Male (XY chromosomes)

To get / choose the sex of a baby boy, you must consume a lot of menus of fish and avoid the meat in everyday food. Medically fish will produce a substance that causes the vaginal pH is more alkaline so the durability of the Y chromosome in the vagina longer.

Regarding fasting sex / sexual relations, mentioned that the husband should be fasting to have sex for at least 5 days before the fertile woman / wife. This is so that no more sperm with X chromosomes that survive in the vagina / uterus wife. Fasting is also intended to enhance male fertility (sperm quality)

Sexual relations / intercourse should be done during the fertile period (12 hours before ovulation occurs or 12 hours after ovulation). This is so that sperm cells with Y chromosomes that are smaller and faster movements can be an egg before the sperm cell with the X chromosome that looks larger and slower movements can reach the womb and are equally likely to fertilize an egg.

Where possible, the wife should have an orgasm before ejaculation husband. This is based on the absence of studies that at the moment of orgasm wife will discharge the alkaline / alkaline so it will reduce the pH level and the vagina becomes more alkaline (alkaline conditions preferred by the sperm cells with Y chromosomes)

How To Choose Baby Gender Male / Female (Chromosome XX)

Contrary to the above methods we can now know how to choose the sex of a baby girl by consuming lots of meat than fish to bring up the atmosphere of a more acidic pH in the vagina so that sperm cells with Y chromosomes will die because they do not stand the atmosphere of pH.

Because sperm cells with Y chromosomes have a shorter lifespan than the X chromosome, the sex / intercourse regularly actually have increased the possibility of the birth of a baby girl / woman. But for the more certainly you can choose the sex of a baby girl by way to fast sex / intercourse during the fertile period.

Sexual relations / intercourse should be done 2-3 days before the fertile period with a view at an interval of 2-3 days, the cells with Y chromosome sperm will die before ovulation occurs. Thus the sperm cells with an X chromosome that is still contained in the womb have a higher chance to fertilize an egg during ovulation (release of eggs from the ovary) cells with an X chromosome sperm ready to fertilize an egg.

Contrary to how to choose the sex of a baby boy, to get / choose the sex of women, wives do not need to experience vaginal orgasm so that the pH remains in the acid pH (atmosphere favored by sperm cells with the X chromosome)

This theory is very simple and according to the study, its accuracy depends on your ability to read the fertile period when it happened. You can consult with a physician about this ini.Teori is one of the many theories put forward by experts. You can consult with your doctor about how to choose the sex of the baby. We will connect the other theories to choose the sex of the baby on another occasion. Good luck and good luck.

How Cigarettes Cause Miscarriage Pregnancy and Fetal Disorders?

As we know, one of the very adverse consequences of smoking is a disorder of pregnancy and the failure of the fetus. Consequences of smoking for pregnant women has been distributed by the government, including the tobacco products concerned. This sometimes does not affect the pregnant woman's intention to smoke, because they themselves feel no connection between cigarette smoke in pregnancy.

It is completely wrong. A researcher from Providence Hospital, Michigan stating that smoking is the number one cause of the birth of infants with adverse conditions, such as premature birth, babies are born too ketch or a baby dies before birth. This proves that if a pregnant woman desperate smoke, then there will be no that can protect the baby from harm.

Well, how can the cigarettes are so dangerous to the pregnancy and cause problems such as failure of pregnancy the fetus? It started from cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke contains various chemicals that are dangerous, more than about four thousand of them cyanide, nicotine, carbon monoxide and 60 pieces of cancer-causing compounds. If a pregnant woman smokes, then all the chemicals will flow in the blood and to the fetus. While the four thousand chemicals that no one is good for the baby, then what happens is the baby will be contaminated with hazardous chemicals even before it grows.

Nicotine and carbon monoxide can result in fetal disorders because it can reduce the supply of oxygen through the umbilical cord. Nicotine works like cholesterol menyebabkab narrowing of blood vessels of pregnant women and clog the flow of oxygen around the blood vessels including the umbilical cord. The situation would worsen because of the red blood cells that carries oxygen in the end could also bring a molecule of carbon monoxide and distribute it to the fetus.

As with adult humans, the lack of oxygen can have a bad influence on infant growth, plus the consumption of excessive carbon monoxide. The result is that babies have a late development, damage to one organ or the most serious is the failure of the fetus or death.
If the baby is contaminated chemicals cigarettes successful birth, there will be abnormalities in the development of the body in terms of weight and size, body organs like the lungs are not functioning optimally and underdeveloped brain function.

All this of course was terrible. When an unborn baby are already suffering because of the mother's lifestyle is less healthy, this is already showing a lack of public awareness of the dangers of smoking. The same result can also be experienced horrible babies conceived by women who did not smoke, but secondhand smoke. For that, if you are pregnant then put away from cigarettes and smoke.

Caring for Foot Swelling During Pregnancy

Here are some ways to treat leg swelling during pregnancy:

1. If you sit all day, make sure you rest regularly with a walk and stretch your legs, to give a boost to your blood circulation. Every few moments, and Flex stretch toes by rotating your ankles, to keep blood and fluids in the body to keep moving.

2. Swollen foot care can be done by massage. Massage your feet with the use of essential oils or other massage oils, to relieve your swelling. Massage is also beneficial to help relieve pain and fatigue, while making you more relaxed.

3. During the final stages of pregnancy, pregnant women are advised to sleep with a sideways position to the left or right. This is because when lying on your back, you will provide additional pressure on the veins. By lying to the side of your bloodstream can run smoothly and freely return to the heart, thus preventing pooling or clotting and and liquids that can cause swelling. In addition, you can also lie down with feet elevated with pillows or dialas, so that excess fluid can flow in the legs.

4. Caring for swollen legs can be done with regular exercise, be it jogging, swimming, or sports that are recommended for other pregnant women. Exercise will help to improve your blood circulation, as well as discontinue or clumping excess fluid in the lower body.

5. The pregnant women can also treat leg swelling by drinking a herbal concoction. The trick, add two tablespoons of coriander in two cups of water. Boil this mixture down to half, roughly to one glass. Then, drink this decoction three times a day. To add flavor, you can mix them with a little sugar and milk.

6. Foot care that can be done by other pregnant mothers is to compress or soaking the feet are swollen with cold water that has been mixed with salt or lime juice for 10 to 15 minutes. This foot care, not only can be done to reduce the swelling, but also useful for reducing pain and fatigue in your legs.

When Operation section is necessary?

Caecar surgery is one alternative that requires the surgical delivery. About the caesarean section itself is generally done because the condition of experiencing pregnancy complications or circumstances that endanger the mother or baby if the birth normally. Several conditions can lead to pregnancy following the birth process requires surgery.

Mother's hip size is too small.
There are some women who have pelvic anatomy is small, so the baby can not pass through this section in the process of spontaneous labor. If forced to be born spontaneously at risk of this condition on infant safety, then a caesarean is the safest alternative for this pregnancy condition.

Macrosomia or large-sized baby.
There has been some cases of birth weight baby is not normal, that exceed the baby's weight in general. This can happen due to several factors such as maternal obesity or diabetes mellitus. Baby's weight is said abnormal if it exceeds 4.2 kg shortly after birth, even in Russia there are babies born weighing 7.7 kg. In conditions like pregnancy is the process of spontaneous labor is almost always impossible to do, so as to remove the baby needs to be taken caesarean section.

Placenta previa.
This means the condition of pregnancy the placenta is in an abnormal position that is at the bottom of the uterus so that closing the birth canal, resulting in a baby can not enter into the pelvis.

The position of breech babies.
Under conditions of entering the age of 40 weeks of pregnancy is usually the baby's head has been at the bottom or towards the birth canal. But 3-4% of infants are sometimes not in the right position when entering the labor, such as the buttocks, shoulders, back or legs below. So the baby is difficult to pass through the birth canal. If during the process of normal persalian baby can not be removed then a caesarean will be performed.

Baby's umbilical cord wrapped.
With such a condition of pregnancy, your baby will have a greater risk of choking if born by spontaneous processes. Usually a gynecologist will look through ultrasound is it still possible to go into labor spontaneously. If there are conditions that threaten the baby then a caesarean section should be done immediately.

Mother experienced health problems.
The process of delivery by cesarean section performed because the mother can not or are not allowed to push during labor. It occurs in women who suffer from heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. About a third caesarean section in patients with this disease have a greater risk of complications. In addition there are several other pregnancy conditions that require action that is infant hydrocephalus caesarean section, twins, maternal malnutrition, and the baby's heartbeat is weak.

Things that can lead to birth defects

Every year, around 7.9 million infants (6% of worldwide births) were born in a state of disability. Although some congenital defects can be controlled and treated, an estimated 3.2 million children with disabilities for life. In fact, 50% among the babies deformed at birth, during pregnancy, mothers do not experience interruption of pregnancy and the failure of the fetus.
As with any form of disability experienced by the baby?

  1.  Limb defects, heart and spinal cord are the most widely form of disability experienced by children born with disabling conditions.
  2. Defects in the organs of the feet and hands, this includes lack of or excess amount of fingers the number of fingers, feet less length, and abnormal position of the feet and hands.
  3. Defects in cardiac, heart defects generally are conditions for which there is a hole in the heart. This may not all be detected at birth.
  4. The next problem is a defect of deformed babies in the marrow of the spine.
  5. Another defect that can be known directly is affecting the face (such as cleft lip and nose shape is not perfect), problems with the development of intestinal and stomach, and problems affecting sexual organs.
  6. Down Syndrome, this issue is occurring on the mental and children's intelligence.
So what is the cause of deformed babies if the mother is not impaired and failure of pregnancy the fetus? Here's his explanation:
  1. Genetics. In ancient times, the abnormalities that occur in infants born to be viewed as warnings or punishment from the gods. Even recently, it was believed that certain events during pregnancy - such as an excessive fear of mice, will lead to defects in babies, such as a mouse-shaped birthmark. Confidence of the people still persist in certain places.However, it is scientifically proven that one of the causes of birth defects in the condition is genetic. This does not mean that parents of infants also have the same defect with the baby. It could be one of the parents are carriers of the defective gene infants given. Therefore, before choosing a partner you should see the history of disability in the family of your spouse. Of the 100 defects that occur in infants, 25 cases of which are caused by genetic problems.
  2. Environment. Environmental factors (including drugs, radiation, smoking, alcohol, and disease) to be the cause of 10% of cases of birth defects in babies. During pregnancy, avoid contact with chemicals, especially for those who worked as a pharmacist or the like. Also try not to be exposed to direct sunlight too often.
  3. Other factors. It is not yet known what factors cause birth defects in the state. Other factors contributed 65% of the causes of birth defects.

Can certain foods make a baby in the womb clean?

Many pregnant women who want a baby in the womb grow up with a net in the womb. So it is not uncommon of most pregnant women, pregnant women looking for food that can make a baby in the womb clean.

Actually, research on food to make a baby in the womb clean already done several times, from various studies were not obtained on a special diet of pregnant women who can make a baby in the womb clean. However, from some of these studies note that some foods that can help keep the uterus remain clean, and clean it if necessary womb baby in the womb it will look clean too. The pregnant mother's diet include:

Young coconut water
Young coconut water containing high electrolyte substance believed to be able to make a clean uterus and is able to prevent pengeruhan in amniotic fluid. Young coconut water is also good for the health of pregnant women.

Green beans
Green beans that contain vegetable proteins are very good for the health of pregnant women, in addition to green beans also contain substances that can help clear amniotic fluid. Crystal clear amniotic fluid is one of the babies in the womb clean.

There are also other factors that can help clean the baby in the womb, including:

• Drinking lots of water. Since water is the high mineral excellent hygiene to keep water in the womb.
From some of the above discourse can be seen that there is no specific foods that can make a baby in the womb clean, because the main factor that greatly affects the baby is clean or not genetic factors of the parents. Foods that have been studied only hygiene can help keep the uterus, where the cleanliness of the womb can also affect the cleanliness of the baby in the womb.

Coconut Water Cause Miscarriage ?

A mother who is pregnant will keep the baby she is carrying with extreme caution. The food you eat and do any activities that will be maintained and cared for. Myths and public statements would be noticed. As no statement of a young coconut water is very good for pregnant women, but there is a statement of young coconut water instead be the cause of miscarriage. This was done so that the child's mother at birth can be born safely.

Then it true that coconut water can cause miscarriage pregnant? Previously let's look at the causes of miscarriage:

1. Abnormalities that occur in the fetus
Fetal abnormalities in this example there are cells that can not be split or there is a genetic disorder. Thus causing the fetus can not develop in the fetus was born and consequently fall.

2. Abnormalities that occur in the mother's womb
The uterus is home to a fetus, if uterine abnormalities such as presence of cancer it is likely that the fetus can not thrive. And ultimately the fetus would be aborted.

3. Infection in pregnancy
Currently in the neighborhood a lot of air pollution from vehicle fumes and factory. Other viruses were much scattered. Virus from the dirty air pollution is one cause miscarriage other than HIV and hepatitis viruses.

4. Fatigue
Besides the two disorders, the lifestyle of pregnant women can cause miscarriage. Mothers who have solid activity can lead to fatigue and stress. When developing fetus also need peace of a mother. If the mother does not calm the fetus was not developing properly. Because of this the fetus they contain can fall.

Of the four causes of miscarriage, no one caused by young coconut water. Precisely young coconut water is good for women who are pregnant. Even doctors recommend pregnant women to drink young coconut water content at the age of 6 months to step on the time of delivery. Because coconut water contains electrolytes and antioxidants that are good for the body. Not just for pregnant women only two substances that are useful for the body, but also good for the body of all men. Electrolytes provide power for mothers who are pregnant, replacing the ions are lost when the mother's body move. While antioxidants to help neutralize toxins are inhaled into the body from the surrounding environment. Additionally, coconut water can make the waters to be clean and clear. Antioxidants in coconut water can absorb the impurities present in amniotic fluid as mucus.

So, do not be afraid to drink coconut water during pregnancy. Because coconut water is safe for consumption.