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Things That Can Cause Miscarriage

Miscarriage is the most feared by every pregnant woman. Miscarriage is a condition in which the occurrence of pregnancy interruption or failure of the fetus that resulted in the release of the fetus, placenta, and amniotic sac from the body. Events miscarriage occurs in the first 3 months of pregnancy USI.

What are the things that cause miscarriage? Here's a more detailed explanation about the cause of miscarriage:
The most common cause of miscarriage is chromosomal abnormalities of children who were developing. That this may occur due to genetic defects in the fetus (fetus failure) caused by problems with egg or sperm cells that carry genetic abnormalities. More than half of miscarriages are caused by this. The potential damage is greater gene occur in women who are pregnant at older ages (more than 35 years).

The next factor is stess cause miscarriage. When stressed, the brain releases several hormones, one of which is Cortikotropin Releasing Hormone (CRH). In a recent study, in women who give birth prematurely, or experiencing failure or interruption of pregnancy the fetus is often found with high levels of CRH in their bloodstream. CRH is a brain hormone released in reaction to physical or emotional stress, which is also produced in the placenta and uterus, this will trigger contractions of your uterus.

Lifestyle of pregnant women before pregnancy and during pregnancy also may be a cause of miscarriage in her womb. Smoking, taking drugs, and alcohol abuse, are things that can increase the risk of miscarriage in women.

Cause the next, a disease suffered by pregnant women is like hormonal imbalance, infections, diabetes, heart disease, kidney, or liver, immune disorders, problems uterus or ovaries, and so forth.

Excessive workload is also a cause of miscarriage in pregnant women. Especially for those who work hard like factory workers. Lifting the burden is too heavy to be a miscarriage in pregnant women. For that we recommend if you are in a state of pregnancy reduce the burden of your work. Do not hesitate to ask for help from your teammates, they understand your condition.

Too much exercise can be a cause of miscarriage. Sports are important to your health during pregnancy, but that is too heavy exercise during pregnancy, such as volleyball, cycling, and others who spend a lot of energy and has a fast movement even jump to make your fetus suffered shock. For pregnant women, if you want to choose exercise that mild exercise such as walking in the morning while enjoying the fresh morning air.

Finally, if pregnant women consume coffee or cola in the amount of more than 6 cups per day can increase the risk of miscarriage in her womb. You should stop drinking coffee or cola during the first 3 months of your pregnancy.