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Health Tips at Third Trimester

The third trimester is an exciting time to be in labor. In the third trimester fetus in the womb already started to move on. Pregnant belly was getting bigger. Pregnant women are advised to be more intensive to maintain stamina and health body in the third trimester.

There is no harm for pregnant women to seek health tips related to the third trimester of pregnancy. Because of these useful health tips for pregnant women to undergo pregnancy in the third trimester. Find health tips medically accurate truth.

Health tips that are beneficial to the third trimester of pregnancy include:

• In the third trimester, pregnant women often experience aches and pains in the back. That is because the increase in fetal weight significantly in the uterus. Go for a light massage on the back to relieve pain. In addition, stand-up back when sitting, standing or walking, because the backs are bent to increase the pain.

• A good sleeping position for pregnant women at third trimester is skewed to the right position with the position of the feet propped up pillows or bolsters.

• In the third trimester, pregnant women should increase consumption of calcium, because calcium is necessary for the formation of fetal bones and teeth. Thus pregnant women are advised to eat foods such as butter, milk, nuts, and vegetables. Because these foods have a high calcium content.

• Pregnant women who were located in the third trimester of pregnancy exercise is recommended for prenatal preparation for labor.

• One of the activities are good for pregnant women at third trimester is to do a leisurely stroll. Because sports a leisurely stroll to strengthen the body and blood circulation.

• Pregnant women should be well prepared mentally to gather courage and physical strength and spiritual birth to the birth process.

• Avoid changing the temperature too cold or too hot, because during the third trimester maternal blood vessels are on the point of over-sensitive so that tends to be sensitive.

• Do not keep feeling the urge to urinate. Dispose of urine when they feel the urge, because with help it can cause interference in the urinary tract.

• Do not panic when a sudden contraction of pregnant women experience early in the third trimester period, it is normal if the contraction is not accompanied by vaginal discharge.

• In the third trimester pregnant women are usually more quickly tired. Therefore plenty of rest and do not engage in activities that physically draining.

• There is no harm for pregnant women to prepare to welcome the birth of baby.

• Reduce consumption of fast food snacks, because the food contains calories of fat and salt that is high enough.

• Prepare the tools completeness labor.
Prepare yourself to health care delivery by performing the above tips. Do not forget to also pray for your well and safe labor.