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Premature babies

Premature birth is a state where the baby is born before even 9 months 2 weeks, usually at the age of 37-41 weeks. Premature babies do not mean a miscarriage because the baby is still alive.

Usually babies born prematurely due to an error of hormones in the mother's body due to mental stress, chronic disease, infection, rupture of the amniotic sac (amniotic fluid) or it could be due to weak cervix, smoking and alcohol consumption, but can also occur because the mother's wishes.

Risk of premature infants is increasing the number of possible medical problems experienced by the baby, especially respiratory, cardiovascular, central nervous system and immunity. Infants born preterm birth risk is less than perfect organ development, anemia, respiratory infections, heart problems and can not drink properly due to lack of drinking from the baby's reflexes.

Premature infants are usually treated in an incubator and watched closely by a physician, but babies who weigh over 2 kg can be taken home by his parents. How to care for premature babies is quite difficult, where the baby should be fed in small amounts but often. When the baby already has a good reflex to drink, the baby can suckle directly directly in the mother.

If not, can use a spoon. Always keep the baby's condition in order to keep warm and keep it away from damp areas. Always use sterile equipment and wash hands before handling / feeding the baby because the baby's immunity is still very vulnerable.