Pregnancy exercise carried out for pregnant women begin pregnancy trimester 1 to trimester 3, with no records or indications of problems that accompany pregnancy, for example: there is placenta previa, a history of preterm labor in previous pregnancies,
bleeding or contractions occur frequently during pregnancy. Movement is modified in such a way as to conform with the physical changes that occur each trimester. The movement was centered in the muscles that will be functioning at the time of the birth process, the success rate of the spontaneous birth process underlying the exercise pregnancy exercise during pregnancy is very big. the records must be accompanied by a trained health worker.
BENEFITS pregnancy exercise:
Some benefits of pregnancy exercise which can be obtained from 1st trimester pregnancy, second trimester, third trimester.
1. Assist the birth process by increasing muscle strength base
pelvis, abdomen, and muscles - and other supporting muscles.
2. Helps increase stamina.
3. Helping maintain good posture for the spine to
avoid pain.
4. Helping achieve relaxation, regain good sleep patterns and
increasing energy.
5. Helping train the breathing.
6. Helping process postpartum recovery.
In the expectant little one, a prospective mother always wanted to look healthy and fit. Childbirth preparation is to do voluntary
Hopefully this information very useful, Thank you ...........