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Tips for Maintaining Healthy As Second Trimester

Entering the second trimester of pregnancy, pregnant women will be faced with a number of changes in body shape and condition. A growing belly bulge, and a sense of itching that arise in some places as well as stretch marks that started popping up around the abdomen. All the normal line with fetal growth, but even so pregnant women should also keep a careful health during the second trimester of pregnancy.

When I start the second trimester of pregnancy, you should focus on efforts to balance calorie intake with a healthy and balanced diet. As a career woman, pregnant women sometimes do not have enough time to cook food, but try and hold to insert a fresh food into the menu. If you choose fast food, be careful in viewing the content of sodium and fat are hidden in it.

Various health tips are sure to remind you to not carelessly take medication. But there was some kind of medicine that is safe to drink, such as Robitussin cough syrup or antacids to deal with constipation. But of course this should be consulted with a doctor. As a precautionary measure, drink plenty of water, eat lots of vegetables or fibrous foods, reducing the ice, can avoid the cough or constipation.

In addition, moderate exercise is also needed in the second trimester of pregnancy. Sports such as swimming is a safe form of exercise besides yoga or other exercise perenggangan. Some sports such as running or jumping can cause discomfort, but it falls very big risk and should be discontinued. In essence, sport is important in the second trimester of pregnancy but you should keep your heart rate not to exceed 140 beats per minute. It is intended for pregnant women not exhausted this pregnancy can make breathing became increasingly pendekdan mother quickly tired though just did a little physical activity.

Stretch marks also a common complaint throughout the second trimester of pregnancy. for it, prepare anti-stretch mark cream is safe in early pregnancy. Its use must also comply with doctor's permission, because the nature of the cream soak into the skin. If it will contain chemicals can be harmful to the fetus.

The second trimester is also a good time to attend childbirth preparation training such as yoga pregnant or pregnancy exercise. Some childbirth preparation classes will provide pain management during childbirth. Now many hospitals that also provide childbirth preparation classes. This class is certainly safer than non-pregnancy class hospitals, since hospitals already must have a reliable health worker and reliable. This preparation can help pregnant women in facing the birth process both mentally or physically.