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How To Get Pregnant?

Every couple will want to have offspring. However, sometimes there are some couples who trouble conceiving. In fact there are already married for years still do not have offspring. Hard to conceive may be caused by genetic factors. However, not least due to the ignorance of the things that can trigger a pregnancy.

For you who want to get pregnant, here are some tips for you to quickly get pregnant:
First, do sex during your fertile. Fertile period is the period in which your egg production is very good. Fertile period usually occurs in 1 or 2 weeks after menstruation.

Second, set the frequency of your sex. Sex too often can make poor sperm quality. While the sex that is too rarely will minimize the likelihood of pregnancy.

Third, in order to get pregnant quickly apply a healthy lifestyle to you and your spouse. We recommend that you and your husband to reduce the consumption of cigarettes and alcohol. Cigarettes and alcohol can destroy the hormones and sperm quality. Research shows that smoking can reduce the chance of pregnancy by 50%.
Tips for rapid subsequent pregnancy is diligent exercise. With exercise your body will fit, it is very influential on the production of egg and sperm cells. In addition, exercise also simplify the process of fertilization.

Fifth, do have sex with the right position. Research shows that sex with men in top positions will make the process of fertilization becomes increasingly easy. In addition, women should prop your hips up with pillows so that you can hold more sperm. So the chances of conception greater. After sperm entry, first let stand for 20 minutes, not moving. It aims to facilitate sperm move toward the site of fertilization.
Sixth, do not use contraceptives. Contraceptives would prevent you from getting pregnant. Because this tool makes your menstrual cycle becomes irregular.

Finally, multiply the consumption of vitamins that triggered a pregnancy. Today many sold vitamins that can trigger pregnancy. But before you use it you should consult with your doctor first.